Baby Boy Bouquet

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  • Regular price $39.99

The gorgeous white Asiatic lilies grab your attention right away, but they only begin to tell the story of this uniquely beautiful bouquet also boasting yellow roses, blue delphinium and purple Monte Casino blooms...all creatively arranged in a fluted vase with a blue satin ribbon. Measures 13"H by 10"L.

Substitution :
The Flower Kottage remains dedicated to servicing your floral needs as we navigate through unprecedented challenges resulting from the worldwide pandemic. Now, more than ever, we believe it is a critical time to succeed in our mission to help you send your thoughts and well wishes to your friends and loved ones. To better aid our valued customers in this mission, we may at times need to substitute floral components with the freshest blooms locally available to ensure a timely delivery. Should substitutions be necessary, we will use our floral expertise to ensure that your arrangements are of equal or greater value.